Biden Laptop & Diary
Financial Malfeasance
Subpoena from 05/15/2019
Cathay Bank Statements
Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
A whistleblower within JP Morgan sent these documents to MP. The SARs conclusively prove that the American first family was involved in money laundering, human trafficking, & other felonies.
Ashley Biden's Diary
The pResident's daughter wrote the cathartic & revealing journal during rehab; she was 37-38 years old at the time.
Larry Ray Sex Cult
John List (GX 3217)
David Wassong
Zak Kaplan
Joe Dimenna
Caio Fonseca
James Shillinglaw
Peter de Bretteville
Connell Barrett
ChiCom Infiltration
A Plandemic … with Chinese Characteristics
China + Italy = Rat King
Wanted Flyers
James Andrew GILLIAR
Michael Isaac Spitzer-Rubenstein
Soren William Schwartz
Jade Lee Sacker